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Handsome Molly (Disc 1 Track 2)

Here are 4 versions of the song, in printable PDF form

1) Just the lyrics as Harvey & Joyce sing them

2) Lyrics with small chord number placed above the words, and each chord change underlined throughout the song (you always know what the next chord is)

3) Just the chord chart, as shown in the book, but a full page size

4) A detail of the song, showing exactly how the chords land on each syllable of the lyrics.


When Harvey does this solo, he sings it in E, F or G. In a bluegrass jam, he would play in G position, and would probably play in D position with capo 2 or 3 to sing in E or F. Playing in E position lends itself to using a B7 for the 5 chord, he likes the straight major chord for the 5 chord.


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